Function: gabreassignadjust
GABREASSIGNADJUST Adjustable reassignment of a time-frequency distribution
  Usage:  sr = gabreassignadjust(s,pderivs,a,mu);

  GABREASSIGNADJUST(s,pderivs,a,mu) reassigns the values of the positive
  time-frequency distribution s using first and second order phase 
  derivatives given by pderivs and parameter mu*>0. 
  The lattice is determined by the time shift a and the number of 
  channels deduced from the size of s.

  pderivs is a cell array of phase derivatives which can be obtained 
  as follows:

     pderivs = gabphasederiv({'t','f','tt','ff','tf'},...,'relative');

  Please see help of GABPHASEDERIV for description of the missing

  gabreassign(s,pderivs,a,mu,despeckle) works as above, but some 
  coeficients are removed prior to the reassignment process. More
  precisely a mixed phase derivative pderivs{5} is used to determine 
  which coefficients m,n belong to sinusoidal components (such that 
  abs(1+pderivs{5}(m,n)) is close to zero) and to impulsive
  components (such that abs(pderivs{5}(m,n)) is close to zero).
  Parameter despeckle determines a threshold on the previous quantities
  such that coefficients with higher associated values are set to zeros.


  The routine uses the adjustable reassignment presented in the


  The following example demonstrates how to manually create a
  reassigned spectrogram.:

    % Compute the phase derivatives
    a=4; M=100;
    [pderivs, c] = gabphasederiv({'t','f','tt','ff','tf'},'dgt',bat,'gauss',a,M,'relative');

    % Reassignemt parameter
    mu = 0.1;
    % Perform the actual reassignment
    sr = gabreassignadjust(abs(c).^2,pderivs,a,mu);

    % Display it using plotdgt

    F. Auger, E. Chassande-Mottin, and P. Flandrin. On phase-magnitude
    relationships in the short-time fourier transform. Signal Processing
    Letters, IEEE, 19(5):267--270, May 2012.
    F. Auger, E. Chassande-Mottin, and P. Flandrin. Making reassignment
    adjustable: The Levenberg-Marquardt approach. In Acoustics, Speech and
    Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on,
    pages 3889--3892, March 2012.
    Z. Průša. STFT and DGT phase conventions and phase derivatives
    interpretation. Technical report, Acoustics Research Institute,
    Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2015.


See also: gabphasederiv, gabreassign.

Package: ltfat