GABREASSIGNADJUST Adjustable reassignment of a time-frequency distribution Usage: sr = gabreassignadjust(s,pderivs,a,mu); GABREASSIGNADJUST(s,pderivs,a,mu) reassigns the values of the positive time-frequency distribution s using first and second order phase derivatives given by pderivs and parameter mu*>0. The lattice is determined by the time shift a and the number of channels deduced from the size of s. pderivs is a cell array of phase derivatives which can be obtained as follows: pderivs = gabphasederiv({'t','f','tt','ff','tf'},...,'relative'); Please see help of GABPHASEDERIV for description of the missing parameters. gabreassign(s,pderivs,a,mu,despeckle) works as above, but some coeficients are removed prior to the reassignment process. More precisely a mixed phase derivative pderivs{5} is used to determine which coefficients m,n belong to sinusoidal components (such that abs(1+pderivs{5}(m,n)) is close to zero) and to impulsive components (such that abs(pderivs{5}(m,n)) is close to zero). Parameter despeckle determines a threshold on the previous quantities such that coefficients with higher associated values are set to zeros. Algorithm --------- The routine uses the adjustable reassignment presented in the references. Examples: --------- The following example demonstrates how to manually create a reassigned spectrogram.: % Compute the phase derivatives a=4; M=100; [pderivs, c] = gabphasederiv({'t','f','tt','ff','tf'},'dgt',bat,'gauss',a,M,'relative'); % Reassignemt parameter mu = 0.1; % Perform the actual reassignment sr = gabreassignadjust(abs(c).^2,pderivs,a,mu); % Display it using plotdgt plotdgt(sr,a,143000,50); References: F. Auger, E. Chassande-Mottin, and P. Flandrin. On phase-magnitude relationships in the short-time fourier transform. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE, 19(5):267--270, May 2012. F. Auger, E. Chassande-Mottin, and P. Flandrin. Making reassignment adjustable: The Levenberg-Marquardt approach. In Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International Conference on, pages 3889--3892, March 2012. Z. Průša. STFT and DGT phase conventions and phase derivatives interpretation. Technical report, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
See also: gabphasederiv, gabreassign.
Package: ltfat