Function: idgt2
IDGT2  2D Inverse discrete Gabor transform
  Usage: f=idgt2(c,g,a);
         f=idgt2(c,g1,g2,[a1 a2]);
         f=idgt2(c,g1,g2,[a1 a2],Ls);

  Input parameters:
        c       : Array of coefficients.
        g,g1,g2 : Window function(s).
        a,a1,a2 : Length(s) of time shift.
        Ls      : Length(s) of reconstructed signal (optional).

  Output parameters:
        f       : Output data, matrix.

  IDGT2(c,g,a,M) will calculate a separable two dimensional inverse
  discrete Gabor transformation of the input coefficients c using the
  window g and parameters a, along each dimension. The number of channels
  is deduced from the size of the coefficients c.

  IDGT2(c,g1,g2,a) will do the same using the window g1 along the first
  dimension, and window g2 along the second dimension.

  IDGT2(c,g,a,Ls) or IDGT2(c,g1,g2,a,Ls) will cut the signal to size Ls*
  after the transformation is done.

  The parameters a and Ls can also be vectors of length 2.
  In this case the first element will be used for the first dimension
  and the second element will be used for the second dimension. 


See also: dgt2, gabdual.

Package: ltfat