Function: idtwfb
IDTWFB Inverse Dual-tree Filterbank
  Usage:  f=idtwfb(c,info);

  Input parameters:
        c       : Input coefficients.
        info    : Transform params. struct
        dualwt  : Dual-tree Wavelet Filterbank definition
        Ls      : Length of the reconstructed signal.

  Output parameters:
        f     : Reconstructed data.

  f = IDTWFB(c,info) reconstructs signal f from the coefficients c*
  using parameters from info struct. both returned by DTWFB function.

  f = IDTWFB(c,dualwt,Ls) reconstructs signal f from the coefficients
  c using dual-tree filterbank defined by dualwt. Plese see DTWFB 
  for supported formats. The Ls parameter is mandatory due to the
  ambiguity of reconstruction lengths introduced by the subsampling
  Note that the same flag as in the DTWFB function have to be used, 
  otherwise perfect reconstruction cannot be obtained. Please see help 
  for DTWFB for description of the flags.


  A simple example showing perfect reconstruction using IDTWFB:

     f = gspi;
     J = 7;
     wtdef = {'qshift3',J};
     c = dtwfb(f,wtdef);
     fhat = idtwfb(c,wtdef,length(f));
     % The following should give (almost) zero


See also: dtwfb, dtwfbinit.

Package: ltfat