Function: idwilt
IDWILT  Inverse discrete Wilson transform
  Usage:  f=idwilt(c,g);

  Input parameters:
     c     : 2M xN array of coefficients.
     g     : Window function.
     Ls    : Final length of function (optional)
  Output parameters:
     f     : Input data

  IDWILT(c,g) computes an inverse discrete Wilson transform with window g.
  The number of channels is deduced from the size of the coefficient array c.

  The window g may be a vector of numerical values, a text string or a
  cell array. See the help of WILWIN for more details.
  IDWILT(f,g,Ls) does the same, but cuts of zero-extend the final
  result to length Ls.

  [f,g]=IDWILT(...) additionally outputs the window used in the
  transform. This is usefull if the window was generated from a
  description in a string or cell array.

    H. Boelcskei, H. G. Feichtinger, K. Groechenig, and F. Hlawatsch.
    Discrete-time Wilson expansions. In Proc. IEEE-SP 1996 Int. Sympos.
    Time-Frequency Time-Scale Analysis, june 1996.
    Y.-P. Lin and P. Vaidyanathan. Linear phase cosine modulated maximally
    decimated filter banks with perfectreconstruction. IEEE Trans. Signal
    Process., 43(11):2525--2539, 1995.


See also: dwilt, wilwin, dgt, wilorth.

Package: ltfat