Function: iframemul
IFRAMEMUL  Inverse of frame multiplier
  Usage: h=iframemul(f,Fa,Fs,s);

  Input parameters:
         Fa   : Analysis frame
         Fs   : Synthesis frame
         s    : Symbol
         f    : Input signal

  Output parameters: 
         h    : Output signal

  IFRAMEMUL(f,F,s) applies the inverse of the frame multiplier with
  symbol s to the signal f. The frame Fa is used for analysis
  and the frame Fs for synthesis.

  Because the inverse of a frame multiplier is not necessarily again a
  frame multiplier for the same frames, the problem is solved using an 
  iterative algorithm.

  [h,relres,iter]=IFRAMEMUL(...) additionally returns the relative
  residuals in a vector relres and the number of iteration steps iter.

  IFRAMEMUL takes the following parameters at the end of the line of
  input arguments:

    'tol',t      Stop if relative residual error is less than the
                 specified tolerance. Default is 1e-9 

    'maxit',n    Do at most n iterations.

    'print'      Display the progress.

    'quiet'      Don't print anything, this is the default.


Package: ltfat