Function: ifwt2
IFWT2   Inverse Fast Wavelet Transform 
  Usage:  f = ifwt2(c,w,J)
          f = ifwt2(c,w,J,Ls,...)

  Input parameters:
        c     : Coefficients stored in a matrix.
        w     : Wavelet filters definition.
        J     : Number of filterbank iterations.
        Ls    : Size of the reconstructed signal.

  Output parameters:
        f     : Reconstructed data.

  f = IFWT2(c,w,J) reconstructs signal f from the wavelet coefficients
  c using a J*-iteration synthesis filterbank build from the basic 
  synthesis filterbank defined by w. f is a matrix with 

  f = IFWT2(c,w,J,Ls) works as above but the result f is cut or
  extended to size Ls if Ls is a two-element vector or to [Ls,Ls]
  if Ls is a scalar.

  This function takes the same optional parameters as FWT2. Please see
  the help on FWT2 for a description of the parameters.

    S. Mallat. A wavelet tour of signal processing. Academic Press, San
    Diego, CA, 1998.


See also: fwt2, fwtinit, demo_imagecompression.

Package: ltfat