Function: iufwt
IUFWT   Inverse Undecimated Fast Wavelet Transform
  Usage:  f = iufwt(c,info)
          f = iufwt(c,w,J);

  Input parameters:
        c      : Coefficients stored in L xJ+1 matrix.
        info,w : Transform parameters struct/Wavelet filters definition.
        J      : Number of filterbank iterations.

  Output parameters:
        f     : Reconstructed data.

  f = IUFWT(c,info) reconstructs signal f from the wavelet
  coefficients c using parameters from info struct. both returned by
  UFWT function.

  f = IUFWT(c,w,J) reconstructs signal f from the wavelet
  coefficients c using the wavelet filterbank consisting of the J*
  levels of the basic synthesis filterbank defined by w using the "a-trous"
  algorithm. Node that the same flag as in the ufwt function have to be used.

  Please see the help on UFWT for a description of the parameters.

  Filter scaling

  As in UFWT, 3 flags defining scaling of filters are recognized:

              Each filter is scaled by 1/sqrt(a), there a is the hop
              factor associated with it. If the original filterbank is
              orthonormal, the overall undecimated transform is a tight
              This is the default.

              Uses filters without scaling.

              Each filter is scaled by 1/a.

  If 'noscale' is used, 'scale' must have been used in UFWT (and vice
  versa) in order to obtain a perfect reconstruction.


  A simple example showing perfect reconstruction:

    f = gspi;
    J = 8;
    c = ufwt(f,'db8',J);
    fhat = iufwt(c,'db8',J);
    % The following should give (almost) zero

    S. Mallat. A wavelet tour of signal processing. Academic Press, San
    Diego, CA, 1998.


See also: ufwt, plotwavelets.

Package: ltfat