Function: iuwpfbt
IUWPFBT Inverse Undecimated Wavelet Packet Filterbank Tree
  Usage:  f=iuwpfbt(c,info);

  Input parameters:
        c       : Coefficients stored in L xM matrix.
        info,wt : Transform parameters struct/Wavelet tree definition.

  Output parameters:
        f     : Reconstructed data.

  f = IUWPFBT(c,info) reconstructs signal f from the wavelet packet
  coefficients c using parameters from info struct. both returned by
  the UWPFBT function.

  f = IUWPFBT(c,wt) reconstructs signal f from the wavelet packet 
  coefficients c using the undecimated wavelet filterbank tree 
  described by wt.

  Please see help for WFBT description of possible formats of wt.

  Filter scaling:

  As in UWPFBT, the function recognizes three flags controlling scaling
  of filters:

              Each filter is scaled by 1/sqrt(a), there a is the hop
              factor associated with it. If the original filterbank is
              orthonormal, the overall undecimated transform is a tight
              This is the default.

              Uses filters without scaling.

              Each filter is scaled by 1/a.

  If 'noscale' is used, 'scale' must have been used in UWPFBT (and vice
  versa) in order to obtain a perfect reconstruction.

  Scaling of intermediate outputs:

  The following flags control scaling of the intermediate coefficients.
  The intermediate coefficients are outputs of nodes which ale also
  inputs to nodes further in the tree.

              Each intermediate output is scaled by 1/sqrt(2).
              If the filterbank in each node is orthonormal, the overall
              undecimated transform is a tight frame.
              This is the default.

              No scaling of intermediate results is used.

              Each intermediate output is scaled by 1/2.

  If 'intnoscale' is used, 'intscale' must have been used in UWPFBT
  (and vice versa) in order to obtain a perfect reconstruction.


  A simple example showing perfect reconstruction using the "full 
  decomposition" wavelet tree:

    f = greasy;
    J = 7;
    wtdef = {'db10',J,'full'};
    c = uwpfbt(f,wtdef);
    fhat = iuwpfbt(c,wtdef);
    % The following should give (almost) zero


See also: wfbt, wfbtinit.

Package: ltfat