Function: largestn
LARGESTN   Keep N largest coefficients
  Usage:  xo=largestn(x,N);

  LARGESTN(x,N) returns an array of the same size as x keeping
  the N largest coefficients.

  LARGESTN takes the following flags at the end of the line of input

    'hard'    Perform hard thresholding. This is the default.

    'wiener'  Perform empirical Wiener shrinkage. This is in between
              soft and hard thresholding.

    'soft'    Perform soft thresholding.  

    'full'    Returns the output as a full matrix. This is the default.

    'sparse'  Returns the output as a sparse matrix.   

  If the coefficients represents a signal expanded in an orthonormal
  basis then this will be the best N-term approximation.

  *Note:* If soft- or Wiener thresholding is selected, only N-1
  coefficients will actually be returned. This is caused by the N*'th
  coefficient being set to zero.

    S. Mallat. A wavelet tour of signal processing. Academic Press, San
    Diego, CA, 1998.


See also: largestr.

Package: ltfat