Function: ltfatplay
LTFATPLAY Play data samples or a wav file
  Usage: ltfatplay('file.wav')

  LTFATPLAY('file.wav') plays a wav file using the default sound device.

  LTFATPLAY('file.wav','devid',devid) plays a wav file using the sound
  device with id devid. A list of available devices can be obtained by 

  LTFATPLAY(data,'fs',fs,...) works entirely similar, but data is
  expected to be a vector of length L or a LxW matrix with
  columns as individual channels and fs to be a sampling rate to be used.
  When no sampling rate is specified, 44.1 kHz is used.

  In addition, individual channels of the output sound device can be
  selected by using an additional key-value pair

     A vector of channel indexes starting at 1.

  This function has the advantage over sound and soundsc that one can 
  directly specify output device chosen from BLOCKDEVICES. Similar
  behavior can be achieved using audioplayer and audiodevinfo but
  only in Matlab. Audioplayer is not yet supported in Octave.


Package: ltfat