LTFATSTART Start the LTFAT toolbox Usage: ltfatstart; `ltfatstart` starts the LTFAT toolbox. This command must be run before using any of the functions in the toolbox. To configure default options for functions, you can use the |ltfatsetdefaults| function in your startup script. A typical startup file could look like:: addpath('/path/to/my/work/ltfat'); ltfatstart; ltfatsetdefaults('sgram','nocolorbar'); This will add the main LTFAT directory to you path, start the toolbox, and configure |sgram| to not display the colorbar. The function walks the directory tree and adds a subdirectory to path if the directory contain a `[subdirectory,init.m]` script setting a `status` variable to some value greater than 0. `status==1` identifies a toolbox module any other value just a directory to be added to path. `ltfatstart(0)` supresses any status messages. !!WARNING for MATLAB users!! ---------------------------- The function indirectly calls `clear all`, which clears all your global and persistent variables. It comes with calling `javaaddpath` in blockproc/blockprocinit.m. You can avoid calling it by passing additional `'nojava'` flag. See also: ltfatsetdefaults, ltfatmex, ltfathelp, ltfatstop
Package: ltfat