Function: noise
NOISE  Stochastic noise generator
  Usage: outsig = noise(siglen,nsigs,type);

  Input parameters:
      siglen    : Length of the noise (samples)
      nsigs     : Number of signals (default is 1)
      type      : type of noise. See below.

  Output parameters:
      outsig    : siglen xnsigs signal vector

  NOISE(siglen,nsigs) generates nsigs channels containing white noise
  of the given type with the length of siglen. The signals are arranged as
  columns in the output. If only siglen is given, a column vector is

  NOISE takes the following optional parameters:

    'white'  Generate white (gaussian) noise. This is the default.

    'pink'   Generate pink noise.

    'brown'  Generate brown noise.

    'red'    This is the same as brown noise.     

  By default, the noise is normalized to have a unit energy, but this can
  be changed by passing a flag to NORMALIZE.

  White noise in the time-frequency domain:


  Pink noise in the time-frequency domain:


  Brown/red noise in the time-frequency domain:



See also: normalize.

Package: ltfat