Function: nonu2ucfmt
NONU2UCFMT Non-uniform to uniform filterbank coefficient format
  Usage:  cu=nonu2ucfmt(c,pk)

  Input parameters:
        c   : Non-uniform filterbank coefficients.

  Output parameters:
        cu  : Uniform filterbank coefficients.
        p   : Numbers of copies of each filter.

  cu = NONU2UCFMT(c,p) changes the coefficient format from
  non-uniform filterbank coefficients c (M=numel(p) channels) to
  uniform coefficients c (sum(p) channels)  such that each
  channel of cu consinst of de-interleaved samples of channels of c.

  The output cu is a cell-array in any case.

    S. Akkarakaran and P. Vaidyanathan. Nonuniform filter banks: New
    results and open problems. In P. M. C.K. Chui and L. Wuytack, editors,
    Studies in Computational Mathematics: Beyond Wavelets, volume 10, pages
    259 --301. Elsevier B.V., 2003.


See also: nonu2ufilterbank, u2nonucfmt.

Package: ltfat