NORMALIZE Normalize input signal by specified norm Usage: h=normalize(f,...); NORMALIZE(f,...) will normalize the signal f by the specified norm. [f,fnorm]=NORMALIZE(f,...) does the same thing, but in addition returns norm fnorm of a signal f. The norm is specified as a string and may be one of: '1' Normalize the l^1 norm to be 1. 'area' Normalize the area of the signal to be 1. This is exactly the same as '1'. '2' Normalize the l^2 norm to be 1. 'energy' Normalize the energy of the signal to be 1. This is exactly the same as '2'. 'inf' Normalize the l^{inf} norm to be 1. 'peak' Normalize the peak value of the signal to be 1. This is exactly the same as 'inf'. 'rms' Normalize the Root Mean Square (RMS) norm of the signal to be 1. 's0' Normalize the S0-norm to be 1. 'wav' Normalize to the l^{inf} norm to be 0.99 to avoid possible clipping introduced by the quantization procedure when saving as a wav file. This only works with floating point data types. 'null' Do NOT normalize, output is identical to input. It is possible to specify the dimension: 'dim',d Work along specified dimension. The default value of [] means to work along the first non-singleton one.
See also: rms, s0norm.
Package: ltfat