Function: pderiv
PDERIV   Derivative of smooth periodic function
  Usage:  fd=pderiv(f);

  PDERIV(f) will compute the derivative of f using a using a 4th order
  centered finite difference scheme. f must have been obtained by a
  regular sampling. If f is a matrix, the derivative along the columns
  will be found.

  PDERIV(f,dim) will do the same along dimension dim.

  PDERIV(f,dim,difforder) uses a centered finite difference scheme of
  order difforder instead of the default.

  PDERIV(f,dim,Inf) will compute the spectral derivative using a DFT.

  PDERIV assumes that f is a regular sampling of a function on the
  torus [0,1). The derivative of a function on a general torus [0,T)
  can be found by scaling the output by 1/T. 


Package: ltfat