Function: pebfun
PEBFUN Sampled, periodized EB-spline
  Usage: g=pebfun(L,w)

  Input parameters:
        L      : Window length.
        w      : Vector of weights of g*
        width  : integer stretching factor, the support of g is width*length(w)

  Output parameters:
        g      : The periodized EB-spline.
        nlen   : Number of non-zero elements in out.

  PEBFUN(L,w) computes samples of a periodized EB-spline with weights 
  w for a system of length L.

  PEBFUN(L,w,width) additionally stretches the function by a factor of 

  [g,nlen]=ptpfundual(...) as g might have a compact support,
  nlen contains a number of non-zero elements in g. This is the case
  when g is symmetric. If g is not symmetric, nlen is extended
  to twice the length of the longer tail.

  If nlen = L, g has a 'full' support meaning it is a periodization
  of a EB spline function.

  If nlen < L, additional zeros can be removed by calling

    K. Groechenig and J. Stoeckler. Gabor frames and totally positive
    functions. Duke Math. J., 162(6):1003--1031, 2013.
    S. Bannert, K. Groechenig, and J. Stoeckler. Discretized Gabor frames of
    totally positive functions. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on,
    60(1):159--169, 2014.
    T. Kloos and J. Stockler. Full length article: Zak transforms and gabor
    frames of totally positive functions and exponential b-splines. J.
    Approx. Theory, 184:209--237, Aug. 2014. [1]http ]
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    T. Kloos, J. Stockler, and K. Groechenig. Implementation of discretized
    gabor frames and their duals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
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See also: dgt, pebfundual, gabdualnorm, normalize.

Package: ltfat