Function: phaseplot
PHASEPLOT  Phase plot
  Usage: phaseplot(f,op1,op2, ... );
         phaseplot(f,fs,op1,op2, ... );

  PHASEPLOT(f) plots the phase of f using a DGT.

  PHASEPLOT(f,fs) does the same for a signal with sampling rate fs Hz.

  PHASEPLOT should only be used for short signals (shorter than the
  resolution of the screen), as there will otherwise be some visual
  aliasing, such that very fast changing areas will look very smooth.
  PHASEPLOT always calculates the phase of the full time/frequency plane
  (as opposed to SGRAM), and you therefore risk running out of memory
  for long signals.

  PHASEPLOT takes the following flags at the end of the line of input

    'tfr',v     Set the ratio of frequency resolution to time resolution.
                A value v=1 is the default. Setting v>1 will give better
                frequency resolution at the expense of a worse time
                resolution. A value of 0<v<1 will do the opposite.
    'wlen',s    Window length. Specifies the length of the window
                measured in samples. See help of PGAUSS on the exact
                details of the window length.
    'nf'        Display negative frequencies, with the zero-frequency
                centered in the middle. For real signals, this will just
                mirror the upper half plane. This is standard for complex
    'tc'        Time centering. Move the beginning of the signal to the
                middle of the plot. This is usefull for visualizing the
                window functions of the toolbox.
    'thr',r     Keep the coefficients with a magnitude larger than r times the
                largest magnitude. Set the phase of the rest of the
                coefficients to zero. This is useful, because for small
                amplitude the phase values can be meaningless.
    'timeinv'   Display the phase as computed by a time-invariant
                DGT. This is the default.
    'freqinv'   Display the phase as computed by a frequency-invariant
    'fmax',y    Display y as the highest frequency.

    'colorbar'   Display the colorbar. This is the default.
    'nocolorbar'  Do not display the colorbar.

  For the best result when using PHASEPLOT, use a circulant color
  map, for instance hsv.


  The following code shows the phaseplot of a
  periodic, hyperbolic secant visualized using the hsv colormap:


  The following phaseplot shows the phase of white, Gaussian noise:


    R. Carmona, W. Hwang, and B. Torresani. Practical Time-Frequency
    Analysis: continuous wavelet and Gabor transforms, with an
    implementation in S, volume 9 of Wavelet Analysis and its Applications.
    Academic Press, San Diego, 1998.


See also: phaselock, demo_phaseplot.

Package: ltfat