Function: pherm
PHERM  Periodized Hermite function
  Usage: g=pherm(L,order);

  Input parameters:
     L     : Length of vector.
     order : Order of Hermite function.
     tfr   : ratio between time and frequency support.
  Output parameters:
     g     : The periodized Hermite function

  PHERM(L,order,tfr) computes samples of a periodized Hermite function
  of order order. order is counted from 0, so the zero'th order
  Hermite function is the Gaussian.

  The parameter tfr determines the ratio between the effective support
  of g and the effective support of the DFT of g. If tfr>1 then g*
  has a wider support than the DFT of g.

  PHERM(L,order) does the same setting tfr=1.

  If order is a vector, PHERM will return a matrix, where each column
  is a Hermite function with the corresponding order.

  [g,D]=PHERM(...) also returns the eigenvalues D of the Discrete
  Fourier Transform corresponding to the Hermite functions.

  The returned functions are eigenvectors of the DFT. The Hermite
  functions are orthogonal to all other Hermite functions with a
  different eigenvalue, but eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue are
  not orthogonal (but see the flags below).

  PHERM takes the following flags at the end of the line of input

    'accurate'  Use a numerically very accurate that computes each
                Hermite function individually. This is the default.

    'fast'      Use a less accurate algorithm that calculates all the
                Hermite up to a given order at once.

    'noorth'    No orthonormalization of the Hermite functions. This is
                the default.

    'polar'     Orthonormalization of the Hermite functions using the
                polar decomposition orthonormalization method.

    'qr'        Orthonormalization of the Hermite functions using the
                Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization method (usign qr).

  If you just need to compute a single Hermite function, there is no
  speed difference between the 'accurate' and 'fast' algorithm.


  The following plot shows the spectrograms of 4 Hermite functions of
  length 200 with order 1, 10, 100, and 190:

    sgram(pherm(200,1),'nf','tc','lin','nocolorbar'); axis('square');

    sgram(pherm(200,10),'nf','tc','lin','nocolorbar'); axis('square');
    sgram(pherm(200,100),'nf','tc','lin','nocolorbar'); axis('square');
    sgram(pherm(200,190),'nf','tc','lin','nocolorbar'); axis('square');


See also: hermbasis, pgauss, psech.

Package: ltfat