Function: plotfilterbank
PLOTFILTERBANK Plot filterbank and ufilterbank coefficients
  Usage:  plotfilterbank(coef,a);

  PLOTFILTERBANK(coef,a) plots filterbank coefficients coef obtained from
  either the FILTERBANK or UFILTERBANK functions. The coefficients must
  have been produced with a time-shift of a. For more details on the
  format of the variables coef and a, see the help of the FILTERBANK
  or UFILTERBANK functions.

  PLOTFILTERBANK(coef,a,fc) makes it possible to specify the center
  frequency for each channel in the vector fc.

  PLOTFILTERBANK(coef,a,fc,fs) does the same assuming a sampling rate of
  fs Hz of the original signal.

  PLOTFILTERBANK(coef,a,fc,fs,dynrange) makes it possible to specify
  the dynamic range of the coefficients.

  C=PLOTFILTERBANK(...) returns the processed image data used in the
  plotting. Inputting this data directly to imagesc or similar
  functions will create the plot. This is usefull for custom
  post-processing of the image data.

  PLOTFILTERBANK supports all the optional parameters of TFPLOT. Please
  see the help of TFPLOT for an exhaustive list.

  In addition to the flags and key/values in TFPLOT, PLOTFILTERBANK
  supports the following optional arguments:

    'fc',fc       Centre frequencies of the channels. fc must be a vector with
                  the length equal to the number of channels. The
                  default value of [] means to plot the channel
                  no. instead of its frequency.

    'ntickpos',n  Number of tick positions along the y-axis. The
                  position of the ticks are determined automatically.
                  Default value is 10.

    'tick',t      Array of tick positions on the y-axis. Use this
                  option to specify the tick position manually.

    'audtick'     Use ticks suitable for visualizing an auditory
                  filterbank. Same as 'tick',[0,100,250,500,1000,...].


See also: filterbank, ufilterbank, tfplot, sgram.

Package: ltfat