Function: plotframe
PLOTFRAME  Plot frame coefficients
  Usage: plotframe(F,c,…);
         C = plotframe(...);

  PLOTFRAME(F,c) plots the frame coefficients c using the plot
  command associated to the frame F.

  C=PLOTFRAME(...) for frames with time-frequency plots returns the
  processed image data used in the plotting. The function produces an
  error for frames which does not have a time-frequency plot.

  PLOTFRAME(F,c,...) passes any additional parameters to the native
  plot routine. Please see the help on the specific plot routine for a
  complete description. 

  The following common set of parameters are supported by all plotting

             Limit the dynamical range to r. The default value of []
             means to not limit the dynamical range.

    'db'     Apply 20*log_{10} to the coefficients. This makes 
             it possible to see very weak phenomena, but it might show 
             too much noise. A logarithmic scale is more adapted to 
             perception of sound. This is the default.

    'dbsq'   Apply 10*log_{10} to the coefficients. Same as the
             'db' option, but assume that the input is already squared.  

    'lin'    Show the coefficients on a linear scale. This will
             display the raw input without any modifications. Only works for
             real-valued input.

    'linsq'  Show the square of the coefficients on a linear scale.

    'linabs'  Show the absolute value of the coefficients on a linear scale.

             Only show values in between clim(1) and clim(2). This
             is usually done by adjusting the colormap. See the help on imagesc.


See also: frame, frana.

Package: ltfat