Function: plotquadtfdist
PLOTQUADTFDIST Plot quadratic time-frequency distribution
  Usage: plotquadtfdist(p);

  'plotquadtfdist(p)' plots the quadratic time-frequency distribution 
  on the time-frequency plane. The quadratic time-frequency distribution
  should be a square matrix.

  PLOTQUADTFDIST takes the following additional arguments:

             Limit the dynamical range to r by using a colormap in
             the interval [chigh-r,chigh], where chigh is the highest
             value in the plot. The default value of [] means to not
             limit the dynamical range.

    'db'     Apply 20*log_{10} to the coefficients. This makes 
             it possible to see very weak phenomena, but it might show 
             too much noise. A logarithmic scale is more adapted to 
             perception of sound. This is the default.

    'dbsq'   Apply 10*log_{10} to the coefficients. Same as the
             'db' option, but assume that the input is already squared.  

    'lin'    Show the coefficients on a linear scale. This will
             display the raw input without any modifications. Only works for
             real-valued input.

    'linsq'  Show the square of the coefficients on a linear scale.

    'linabs'  Show the absolute value of the coefficients on a linear scale.

    'tc'     Time centring. Move the beginning of the signal to the
             middle of the plot. 

    'clim',clim   Use a colormap ranging from clim(1) to clim(2). These
                  values are passed to imagesc. See the help on imagesc.

    'image'       Use imagesc to display the plot. This is the default.

    'contour'     Do a contour plot.
    'surf'        Do a surf plot.

    'colorbar'    Display the colorbar. This is the default.

    'nocolorbar'  Do not display the colorbar.

    'display'     Display the figure. This is the default.


Package: ltfat