Function: prect
PRECT   Periodic rectangle
  Usage:  f=prect(L,n);

  psinc(L,n) computes the periodic rectangle (or square) function of
  length L supported on n samples. The DFT of the periodic
  rectangle function in the periodic sinc function, PSINC.

   If n is odd, the output will be supported on exactly n samples
    centered around the first sample.

   If n is even, the output will be supported on exactly n+1 samples
    centered around the first sample. The function value on the two
    samples on the edge of the function will have half the magnitude of
    the other samples.


  This figure displays an odd length periodic rectangle:

    ylim([-.2 1.2]);

  This figure displays an even length periodic rectangle. Notice the
  border points:

    ylim([-.2 1.2]);


See also: psinc.

Package: ltfat