Function: rampsignal
RAMPSIGNAL  Ramp signal
  Usage: outsig=rampsignal(insig,L);

  RAMPSIGNAL(insig,L) applies a ramp function of length L to the
  beginning and the end of the input signal. The default ramp is a
  sinusoide starting from zero and ending at one (also known as a cosine
  squared ramp).

  If L is scalar, the starting and ending ramps will be of the same
  length. If L is a vector of length 2, the first entry will be used
  for the rising ramp, and the second for the falling.

  If the input is a matrix or an N-D array, the ramp will be applied
  along the first non-singleton dimension.

  RAMPSIGNAL(insig) will use a ramp length of half the signal.

  RAMPSIGNAL(insig,L,wintype) will use another window for ramping. This
  may be any of the window types from FIRWIN. Please see the help on
  FIRWIN for more information. The default is to use a piece of the
  Hann window.

  RAMPSIGNAL accepts the following optional parameters:

    'dim',d   Apply the ramp along dimension d. The default value of []
              means to use the first non-singleton dimension.     


See also: rampdown, rampsignal, firwin.

Package: ltfat