RANGECOMPRESS Compress the dynamic range of a signal Usage: [outsig, sigweight] = rangecompress(insig,mu); [outsig, sigweight]=RANGECOMPRESS(insig,mu) range-compresss the input signal insig using mu-law range-compression with parameter mu. RANGECOMPRESS takes the following optional arguments: 'mulaw' Do mu-law compression, this is the default. 'alaw' Do A-law compression. 'mu',mu mu-law parameter. Default value is 255. 'A',A A-law parameter. Default value is 87.7. The following plot shows how the output range is compressed for input values between 0 and 1: x=linspace(0,1,100); xc=rangecompress(x); plot(x,xc); xlabel('input'); ylabel('output'); title('mu-law compression'); References: S. Jayant and P. Noll. Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and Applications to Speech and Video. Prentice Hall, 1990.
Package: ltfat