Function: rangeexpand
RANGEEXPAND  Expand the dynamic range of a signal
  Usage:  sig = rangeexpand(insig,mu,sigweight);

  RANGEEXPAND(insig,mu,sigweight) inverts a previously
  applied mu-law companding to the signal insig. The parameters
  mu and sigweight must match those from the call to RANGECOMPRESS

  RANGEEXPAND takes the following optional arguments:

    'mulaw'   Do mu-law compression, this is the default.

    'alaw'    Do A-law compression.

    'mu',mu   mu-law parameter. Default value is 255.
    S. Jayant and P. Noll. Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and
    Applications to Speech and Video. Prentice Hall, 1990.


Package: ltfat