Function: resgram
RESGRAM  Reassigned spectrogram plot
  Usage: resgram(f,op1,op2, ... );
         resgram(f,fs,op1,op2, ... );

  RESGRAM(f) plots a reassigned spectrogram of f.

  RESGRAM(f,fs) does the same for a signal with sampling rate fs*
  (sampled with fs samples per second).

  Because reassigned spectrograms can have an extreme dynamical range,
  consider always using the 'dynrange' or 'clim' options (see below)
  in conjunction with the 'db' option (on by default). An example:


  This will produce a reassigned spectrogram of the GREASY signal
  without drowning the interesting features in noise.

  C=RESGRAM(f, ... ) returns the image to be displayed as a matrix. Use this
  in conjunction with imwrite etc. These coefficients are *only* intended to
  be used by post-processing image tools. Reassignment should be done
  using the GABREASSIGN function instead.

  RESGRAM accepts the following additional arguments:

    'dynrange',r  Limit the dynamical range to r by using a colormap in
                  the interval [chigh-r,chigh], where chigh is the highest
                  value in the plot. The default value of [] means to not
                  limit the dynamical range.
    'db'         Apply 20*log10 to the coefficients. This makes it possible to
                 see very weak phenomena, but it might show too much noise. A
                 logarithmic scale is more adapted to perception of sound.
                 This is the default.

                 Set the sharpness of the plot. If alpha=0 the regular
                 spectrogram is obtained. alpha=1 means full
                 reassignment. Anything in between will produce a partially
                 sharpened picture. Default is alpha=1.
    'lin'        Show the energy of the coefficients on a linear scale.
    'tfr',v      Set the ratio of frequency resolution to time resolution.
                 A value v=1 is the default. Setting v>1 will give better
                 frequency resolution at the expense of a worse time
                 resolution. A value of 0<v<1 will do the opposite.
    'wlen',s     Window length. Specifies the length of the window
                 measured in samples. See help of PGAUSS on the exact
                 details of the window length.

    'posfreq'    Display only the positive frequencies. This is the
                 default for real-valued signals.
    'nf'         Display negative frequencies, with the zero-frequency
                 centered in the middle. For real signals, this will just
                 mirror the upper half plane. This is standard for complex
    'tc'         Time centering. Move the beginning of the signal to the
                 middle of the plot. This is useful for visualizing the
                 window functions of the toolbox.
    'image'      Use imagesc to display the spectrogram. This is the
    'clim',clim  Use a colormap ranging from clim(1) to clim(2). These
                 values are passed to imagesc. See the help on imagesc.
    'thr',r      Keep only the largest fraction r of the coefficients, and
                 set the rest to zero.
    'fmax',y     Display y as the highest frequency. Default value of []
                 means to use the Nyquist frequency.
    'xres',xres  Approximate number of pixels along x-axis / time.
                 The default value is 800
    'yres',yres  Approximate number of pixels along y-axis / frequency
                 The default value is 600
    'contour'    Do a contour plot to display the spectrogram.
    'surf'       Do a surf plot to display the spectrogram.
    'mesh'       Do a mesh plot to display the spectrogram.
    'colorbar'   Display the colorbar. This is the default.
    'nocolorbar'  Do not display the colorbar.

  In addition to these parameters, sgram accepts any of the flags from
  NORMALIZE. The window used to calculate the spectrogram will be
  normalized as specified.


See also: sgram.

Package: ltfat