SPREADOP Spreading operator Usage: h=spreadop(f,c); SPREADOP(f,c) applies the operator with spreading function c to the input f. c must be square. SPREADOP(f,c) computes the following for c of size L xL: L-1 L-1 h(l+1) = sum sum c(m+1,n+1)*exp(2*pi*i*l*m/L)*f(l-n+1) n=0 m=0 where l=0,...,L-1 and l-n is computed modulo L. The combined symbol of two spreading operators can be found by using tconv. Consider two symbols c1 and c2 and define f1 and f2 by: h = tconv(c1,c2) f1 = spreadop(spreadop(f,c2),c1); f2 = spreadop(f,h); then f1 and f2 are equal. References: H. G. Feichtinger and W. Kozek. Operator quantization on LCA groups. In H. G. Feichtinger and T. Strohmer, editors, Gabor Analysis and Algorithms, chapter 7, pages 233--266. Birkhauser, Boston, 1998.
Url: http://ltfat.github.io/doc/operators/spreadop.html
See also: tconv, spreadfun, spreadinv, spreadadj.
Package: ltfat