Function: symphase
SYMPHASE  Change Gabor coefficients to symmetric phase
  Usage:  c=symphase(c,a);

  SYMPHASE(c,a) alters the phase of the Gabor coefficients c so as if
  they were obtained from a Gabor transform based on symmetric
  time/frequency shifts. The coefficient must have been obtained from a
  DGT with parameter a.

  Gabor coefficients with symmetric phase correspond to the following 
  Consider a signal f of length L and define N=L/a.
  The output from c=SYMPHASE(dgt(f,g,a,M),a) is given by

    c(m+1,n+1) = sum f(l+1)*exp(-2*pi*i*m*(l-n*a/2)/M)*conj(g(l-a*n+1)), 

  where m=0,...,M-1 and n=0,...,N-1 and l-an is computed modulo L.

  SYMPHASE(c,a,'lt',lt) does the same for a non-separable lattice
  specified by lt. Please see the help of MATRIX2LATTICETYPE for a
  precise description of the parameter lt.

    E. Chassande-Mottin, I. Daubechies, F. Auger, and P. Flandrin.
    Differential reassignment. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE,
    4(10):293--294, 1997.


See also: dgt, phaselock, phaseunlock.

Package: ltfat