Function: tfplot
TFPLOT  Plot coefficient matrix on the TF plane
  Usage: tfplot(coef,step,yr);

  TFPLOT(coef,step,yr) will plot a rectangular coefficient array on the
  TF-plane. The shift in samples between each column of coefficients is
  given by the variable step. The vector yr is a 1 x2 vector
  containing the lowest and highest normalized frequency.

  C=TFPLOT(...) returns the processed image data used in the
  plotting. Inputting this data directly to imagesc or similar
  functions will create the plot. This is usefull for custom
  post-processing of the image data.

  TFPLOT is not meant to be called directly. Instead, it is called by
  other plotting routines to give a uniform display format. 

  TFPLOT (and all functions that call it) takes the following arguments.

             Limit the dynamical range to r by using a colormap in
             the interval [chigh-r,chigh], where chigh is the highest
             value in the plot. The default value of [] means to not
             limit the dynamical range.

    'db'     Apply 20*log_{10} to the coefficients. This makes 
             it possible to see very weak phenomena, but it might show 
             too much noise. A logarithmic scale is more adapted to 
             perception of sound. This is the default.

    'dbsq'   Apply 10*log_{10} to the coefficients. Same as the
             'db' option, but assume that the input is already squared.  

    'lin'    Show the coefficients on a linear scale. This will
             display the raw input without any modifications. Only works for
             real-valued input.

    'linsq'  Show the square of the coefficients on a linear scale.

    'linabs'  Show the absolute value of the coefficients on a linear scale.

    'tc'     Time centering. Move the beginning of the signal to the
             middle of the plot. 

    'clim',clim   Use a colormap ranging from clim(1) to clim(2). These
                  values are passed to imagesc. See the help on imagesc.

    'image'       Use imagesc to display the plot. This is the default.

    'contour'     Do a contour plot.
    'surf'        Do a surf plot.

    'colorbar'    Display the colorbar. This is the default.

    'nocolorbar'  Do not display the colorbar.

    'display'     Display the figure. This is the default.

    'nodisplay'   Do not display figure. This is usefull if you only
                  want to obtain the output for further processing.

  If both 'clim' and 'dynrange' are specified, then 'clim' takes

  It is possible to customize the text by setting the following values:

    'time', t       The word denoting time. Default is 'Time'

    'frequency',f   The word denoting frequency. Default is 'Frequency'
    'samples',s     The word denoting samples. Default is 'samples'
    'normalized',n  Defult value is 'normalized'.


See also: sgram, plotdgt, plotdgtreal, plotwmdct, plotdwilt.

Package: ltfat