Function: ufwt
UFWT  Undecimated Fast Wavelet Transform
  Usage:  c = ufwt(f,w,J);
          [c,info] = ufwt(...);

  Input parameters:
        f     : Input data.
        w     : Wavelet Filterbank.
        J     : Number of filterbank iterations.

  Output parameters:
        c     : Coefficients stored in L x(J+1) matrix.
        info  : Transform paramaters struct.

  UFWT(f,w,J) computes redundant time (or shift) invariant
  wavelet representation of the input signal f using wavelet filters
  defined by w in the "a-trous"  algorithm. 

  For all accepted formats of the parameter w see the FWTINIT function.

  [c,info]=UFWT(f,w,J) additionally returns the info struct. 
  containing the transform parameters. It can be conviniently used for 
  the inverse transform IUFWT e.g. fhat = iUFWT(c,info). It is also 
  required by the PLOTWAVELETS function.

  The coefficents c are so called undecimated Discrete Wavelet transform
  of the input signal f, if w defines two-channel wavelet filterbank.
  Other names for this version of the wavelet transform are: the
  time-invariant wavelet transform, the stationary wavelet transform,
  maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform or even the "continuous"
  wavelet transform (as the time step is one sample). However, the
  function accepts any number filters (referred to as M) in the basic
  wavelet filterbank and the number of columns of c is then J(M-1)+1.

  For one-dimensional input f of length L, the coefficients c are
  stored as columns of a matrix. The columns are ordered with inceasing
  central frequency of the respective subbands.

  If the input f is L xW matrix, the transform is applied
  to each column and the outputs are stacked along third dimension in the
  L xJ(M-1)+1 xW data cube.

  Filter scaling

  When compared to FWT, UFWT subbands are gradually more and more 
  redundant with increasing level of the subband. If no scaling of the 
  filters is introduced, the energy of subbands tends to grow with increasing
  There are 3 flags defining filter scaling:

              Each filter is scaled by 1/sqrt(a), where a is the hop
              factor associated with it. If the original filterbank is
              orthonormal, the overall undecimated transform is a tight
              This is the default.

              Uses filters without scaling.

              Each filter is scaled by 1/a.

  If 'noscale' is used, 'scale' has to be used in IUFWT (and vice
  versa) in order to obtain a perfect reconstruction.

  Boundary handling:

  c=UFWT(f,w,J) uses periodic boundary extension. The extensions are
  done internally at each level of the transform, rather than doing the
  prior explicit padding.


  A simple example of calling the UFWT function:

    [f,fs] = greasy;
    J = 8;
    [c,info] = ufwt(f,'db8',J);

    M. Holschneider, R. Kronland-Martinet, J. Morlet, and P. Tchamitchian.
    A real-time algorithm for signal analysis with the help of the wavelet
    transform. In Wavelets. Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space,
    volume 1, page 286, 1989.


See also: iufwt, plotwavelets.

Package: ltfat