Function: uwpfbtbounds
UWPFBTBOUNDS Frame bounds of Undecimated WPFBT
  Usage: fcond=uwpfbtbounds(wt,L);

  UWPFBTBOUNDS(wt,L) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame bounds
  of the undecimated wavelet packet filterbank specified by wt for a 
  system of length L. The ratio is a measure of the stability of the 

  [A,B]=uwfbtbounds(wt,L) returns the lower and upper frame bounds

  See WFBT for explanation of parameter wt.

  Additionally, the function accepts the following flags:

  'intsqrt'(default),'intnoscale', 'intscale'
      The filters in the filterbank tree are scaled to reflect the
      behavior of UWPFBT and IUWPFBT with the same flags.

      The filters in the filterbank tree are scaled to reflect the
      behavior of UWPFBT and IUWPFBT with the same flags.  


See also: uwpfbt, filterbankbounds.

Package: ltfat