Function: wfbtbounds
WFBTBOUNDS Frame bounds of WFBT
  Usage: fcond=wfbtbounds(wt,L);

  WFBTBOUNDS(wt,L) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame bounds
  of the filterbank tree specified by wt for a system of length
  L. The ratio is a measure of the stability of the system.

  WFBTBOUNDS({w,J,'dwt'},L) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame
  bounds of the DWT (|FWT|) filterbank specified by w and J for a
  system of length L.

  WFBTBOUNDS(wt) does the same thing, but L is assumed to be the
  next compatible length bigger than the longest filter in the identical

  [A,B]=WFBTBOUNDS(...) returns the lower and upper frame bounds

  See WFBT for explanation of parameter wt and FWT for explanation
  of parameters w and J.

  The function supports the following flag groups:

    Support for scaling flags as described in UWFBT. By default,
    the bounds are computed for WFBT, passing any of the non-default
    flags results in framebounds for UWFBT.


See also: wfbt, fwt, filterbankbounds.

Package: ltfat