Function: wfilt_remez
WFILT_REMEZ Filters designed using Remez exchange algorithm
  Usage: [h,g,a]=wfilt_remez(L,K,B)

  Input parameters:
        L     : Length of the filters.
        K     : Degree of flatness (regularity) at z=-1. 
        B     : Normalized transition bandwidth.

  [h,g,a]=WFILT_REMEZ(L,K,B) calculates a set of wavelet filters. 
  Regularity, frequency selectivity, and length of the filters can be
  controlled by K, B and L parameters respectivelly.

  The filter desigh algorithm is based on a Remez algorithm and a 
  factorization of the complex cepstrum of the polynomial.



    O. Rioul and P. Duhamel. A remez exchange algorithm for orthonormal
    wavelets. Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal
    Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 41(8):550 --560, aug 1994.


Package: ltfat