Function: wfiltinfo
WFILTINFO Plots filters info
  Usage: wfiltinfo(w);

  Input parameters:
        w     : Basic wavelet filterbank.

  WFILTINFO(w) plots impulse responses, frequency responses and 
  approximation of the scaling and of the wavelet function(s) associated
  with the wavelet filters defined by w in a single figure. Format of 
  w is the same as in FWT.

  Optionally it is possible to define scaling of the y axis of the
  frequency seponses. Supported are:

      dB or linear scale respectivelly. By deault a dB scale is used.

  Details of the 'syn:spline8:8' wavelet filters (see WFILT_SPLINE):
  Details of the 'ana:spline8:8' wavelet filters:



See also: wfilt_db.

Package: ltfat