Function: wignervilledist
WIGNERVILLEDIST Wigner-Ville distribution
  Usage: W = wignervilledist(f);
         W = wignervilledist(f, g);

  Input parameters:
        f,g      : Input vector(s)

  Output parameters:
        w      : Wigner-Ville distribution

  WIGNERVILLEDIST(f) computes the Wigner-Ville distribution of the vector f. The
  Wigner-Ville distribution is computed by

  where R(n,m) is the instantaneous correlation matrix given by

  where m in {-L/2,..., L/2 - 1}, and where z is the analytical representation of
  f, when f is real-valued.

  WIGNERVILLEDIST(f,g) computes the cross-Wigner-Ville distribution of f and g.

  *WARNING**: The quadratic time-frequency distributions are highly
  redundant. For an input vector of length L, the quadratic time-frequency
  distribution will be a L xL matrix.


Package: ltfat