Function: wpbest
WPBEST  Best Tree selection
  Usage: c = wpbest(f,w,J,cost);
         [c,info] = wpbest(...);

  Input parameters:
        f   : Input data.
        w   : Wavelet Filterbank.
        J   : Maximum depth of the tree.

  Output parameters:
        c     : Coefficients stored in a cell-array.
        info  : Transform parameters struct.

  [c,info]=WPBEST(f,w,J,cost) selects the best sub-tree info.wt from
  the full tree with max. depth J, which minimizes the cost function.

  Only one-dimensional input f is accepted. The supported formats of
  the parameter w can be found in help for FWT. The format of the
  coefficients c and the info struct is the same as in WFBT.

  Please note that w should define orthonormal wavelet filters.

  First, the depth J wavelet packet decomposition is performed using WPFBT.
  Then the nodes are traversed in the breadth-first and bottom-up order
  and the value of the cost function of the node input and cost of the
  combined node outputs is compared. If the node input cost function value
  is less than the combined output cost, the current node and all
  possible descendant nodes are marked to be deleted, if not, the input is
  assigned the combined output cost. At the end, the marked nodes are
  removed and the resulting tree is considered to be a best basis (or
  near-best basis) in the chosen cost function sense.

  The cost parameter can be a cell array or an user-defined function handle.
  accepting a single column vector. The cell array should consist of a
  string, followed by a numerical arguments.
  The possible formats are listed in the following text.

  Additive costs:

  The additive cost E of a vector x is a real valued cost function
  such that:

     E(x) = sum E(x(k)),

  and E(0)=0. Given a collection of vectors x_i being coefficients in
  orthonormal bases B_i, the best basis relative to E is the one for
  which the E(x_i) is minimal.

  Additive cost functions allows using the fast best-basis search algorithm
  since the costs can be precomputed and combined cost of two vectors is
  just a sum of their costs.

     A cost function derived from the Shannon entropy:

        E_sh(x) = -sum |x(k)|^2 log(|x(k)|^2),

     A logarithm of energy:

        E_log(x) = sum log(|x(k)|^2),

     Concentration in l^p norm:

        E_lp(x) = ( sum (|x(k)|^p) ),

     Number of coefficients above a threshold th.

  Non-additive costs:

  Cost function, which is not additive cost but which is used for the
  basis selection is called a non-additive cost. The resulting basis for
  which the cost is minimal is called near-best, because the non-additive
  cost cannot guarantee the selection of a best basis relative to the
  cost function.

     The weak-l^p norm cost function:

        E_wlp(x) = max k^{\frac{1}{p}}v_k(x),

     where 0<p<= 2 and v_k(x) denotes the k*-th largest absolute value
     of x.

     Compression number cost:

        E_cn(x) = arg min |w_k(x,p) - f|,

     where 0<p<= 2, 0<f<1 and w_k(u,p) denotes decreasingly sorted,
     powered, cumulateively summed and renormalized vector:

                    k              N
        w_k(x,p) = sum v_j^p(x) / sum v_j^p(x)
                   j=1            j=1

     where v_k(x) denotes the k*-th largest absolute value of x and
     N is the number of elements of x.

     Compression area cost:

        E_ca(x) = N - sum w_k(x,p),

     where 0<p<= 2 and w_k(u,p) and N as in the previous case.


  A simple example of calling WPBEST :

    f = gspi;
    J = 8;
    [c,info] = wpbest(f,'sym10',J,'cost','shannon');

    % Use 2/3 of the space for the first plot, 1/3 for the second.
    subplot(3,3,[1 2 4 5 7 8]);

    subplot(3,3,[3 6 9]);
    N=cellfun(@numel,c); L=sum(N); a=L./N;
    xlabel('Channel no.');
    ylabel('Subsampling rate / samples');

    M. V. Wickerhauser. Lectures on wavelet packet algorithms. In INRIA
    Lecture notes. Citeseer, 1991.
    C. Taswell. Near-best basis selection algorithms with non-additive
    information cost functions. In Proceedings of the IEEE International
    Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, pages 13--16. IEEE
    Press, 1994.


Package: ltfat