WPFBTBOUNDS Frame bounds of WPFBT Usage: fcond=wpfbtbounds(wt,L); [A,B]=wpfbtbounds(wt,L); [...]=wpfbtbounds(wt); WPFBTBOUNDS(wt,L) calculates the ratio B/A of the frame bounds of the wavelet packet filterbank specified by wt for a system of length L. The ratio is a measure of the stability of the system. WPFBTBOUNDS(wt) does the same, except L is chosen to be the next compatible length bigger than the longest filter from the identical filterbank. [A,B]=WPFBTBOUNDS(...) returns the lower and upper frame bounds explicitly. See WFBT for explanation of parameter wt. Additionally, the function accepts the following flags: 'intsqrt'(default),'intnoscale', 'intscale' The filters in the filterbank tree are scaled to reflect the behavior of WPFBT and IWPFBT with the same flags. 'scaling_notset'(default),'noscale','scale','sqrt' Support for scaling flags as described in UWPFBT. By default, the bounds are caltulated for WPFBT, passing any of the non-default flags results in bounds for UWPFBT.
Url: http://ltfat.github.io/doc/wavelets/wpfbtbounds.html
See also: wpfbt, filterbankbounds.
Package: ltfat