Function File: ecc = axes2ecc (semimajor, semiminor)
Function File: ecc = axes2ecc (axes)

Calculates the eccentricity from semimajor and semiminor axes.

semimajor and semiminor are scalars or vectors of semimajor and semiminor axes, resp. Alternatively, they can also be supplied as coordinate (row) vectors or a N2 matrix with each row consisting of a (semimajor, semiminor) pair.

Output arg ecc is a scalar or column vector of eccentricities.


Scalar input:

   format long
   axes2ecc (6378137, 6356752.314245)
   => 0.0818191908429654

Row vector (semimajor, semiminor):

 axes2ecc ([6378137, 6356752.314245])
 =>  0.0818191908429654


   axes2ecc ([     71492, 66854; ...
                 6378137, 6356752.314245])
   ans =

See also: ecc2flat,flat2ecc.

Package: mapping