Function File: [bands, info] = rasterread (fname)

Read a GIS raster file

fname can be about any type of GIS raster file recognized by the GDAL library. For .adf files, either the name of the subdirectory containing the various component files, or the name of one of those component files can be specified.

Output argument bands is a struct, or if multiple bands were read, a struct array, with data of each band: data, min, max, bbox, and (if present for the band) a GDAL colortable (see GDAL on-line reference).

Output argument binfo contains various info of the raster file: overall bounding box, geotransformation, projection, size, nr. of columns and rows, datatype, nr. of bands.

rasterread.m needs the GDAL library.

See also: gdalread, gdalwrite.

Package: mapping