ANGLESORT Sort points in the plane according to their angle to origin. PTS2 = angleSort(PTS); Computes angle of points with origin, and sort points with increasing angles in Counter-Clockwise direction. PTS2 = angleSort(PTS, PTS0); Computes angles between each point of PTS and PT0, which can be different from origin. PTS2 = angleSort(..., THETA0); Specifies the starting angle for sorting. [PTS2, I] = angleSort(...); Also returns in I the indices of PTS, such that PTS2 = PTS(I, :); [PTS2, I, ANGLES] = angleSort(...); Also returns the ANGLES in corresponding order to PTS2. See Also: points2d, angles2d, angle2points, normalizeAngle ------ Author: David Legland e-mail: Created: 2005-11-24 Copyright 2010 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.
Package: matgeom