ANGLESORT3D Sort 3D coplanar points according to their angles in plane. PTS2 = angleSort3d(PTS); Considers all points are located on the same plane, and sort them according to the angle on plane. PTS is a [Nx2] array. Note that the result depends on the plane orientation: points can be in reverse order compared to expected. The reference plane is computed based on the first three points. PTS2 = angleSort3d(PTS, PTS0); Computes angles between each point of PTS and PT0. By default, uses centroid of points. PTS2 = angleSort3d(PTS, PTS0, PTS1); Specifies the point which will be used as a start. [PTS2, I] = angleSort3d(...); Also return in I the indices of PTS, such that PTS2 = PTS(I, :); See also: points3d, angles3d, angleSort ------ Author: David Legland e-mail: Created: 2005-11-24 Copyright 2005 INRA - CEPIA Nantes - MIAJ (Jouy-en-Josas).
Package: matgeom