BOUNDEDCENTROIDALVORONOI2D Create a 2D Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation in a box. [N, E, F] = boundedCentroidalVoronoi2d(GERMS, BOX) GERMS are N-by-2 point array, BOX is given as [xmin xmax ymin ymax]. Algorithm is an iteration of voronoi diagram computations, using at each steps the centroids of previous diagram as germs for the new diagram. [N, E, F] = boundedCentroidalVoronoi2d(GERMS, BOX, NITER) Specifies the number of iterations. [N, E, F, G] = boundedCentroidalVoronoi2d(...) also returns the positions of germs/centroids for each face. If the number of iteration was sufficient, location of germs should correspond to centroids of faces 'fc' computed using: fc(i,:) = polygonCentroid(n(f{i}, :)); Example [n, e, f] = boundedCentroidalVoronoi2d(rand(20, 2)*100, [0 100 0 100]); drawGraph(n, e, f); See also graphs, boundedVoronoi2d, centroidalVoronoi2d, clipGraph
Package: matgeom