CENTROIDALVORONOI2D Centroidal Voronoi tesselation within a polygon.

   PTS = centroidalVoronoi2d(NPTS, POLY)
   Generate points in a polygon based on centroidal voronoi tesselation.
   Centroidal germs can be computed by using the Llyod's algorithm:
   1) initial germs are chosen at random within polygon
   2) voronoi polygon of the germs is computed
   3) the centroids of each domain are computed, and used as germs of the
   next iteration

   [PTS, PATHLIST] = centroidalVoronoi2d(NPTS, POLY)
   Also returns the path of each germs at each iteration. The result
   PATHLIST is a cell array with as many cells as the number of germs,
   containing in each cell the successive positions of the germ.

   PTS = centroidalVoronoi2d(.., PARAM, VALUE)
   Specify one or several optional arguments. PARAM can be one of:
   * 'nIter'   specifies the number of iterations of the algorithm
       (default is 50)
   * 'verbose' display iteration number. Default is false.

     poly = ellipseToPolygon([50 50 40 30 20], 200);
     nGerms = 100;
     germs = centroidalVoronoi2d(nGerms, poly);
     figure; hold on;
     drawPolygon(poly, 'k');
     drawPoint(germs, 'bo');
     axis equal; axis([0 100 10 90]);
     % extract regions of the CVD
     box = polygonBounds(poly);
     [n, e] = boundedVoronoi2d(box, germs);
     [n2, e2] = clipGraphPolygon(n, e, poly);
     drawGraphEdges(n2, e2, 'b');

   See also
   graphs, boundedVoronoi2d, centroidalVoronoi2d_MC

   Rewritten from programs found in

    Qiang Du, Vance Faber, and Max Gunzburger,
    Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Applications and Algorithms,
    SIAM Review, Volume 41, 1999, pages 637-676.

Package: matgeom