CIRCLEARCTOPOLYLINE Convert a circle arc into a series of points.

   P = circleArcToPolyline(ARC, N);
   convert the circle ARC into a series of N points. 
   ARC is given in the format: [XC YC R THETA1 DTHETA]
   where XC and YC define the center of the circle, R its radius, THETA1
   is the start of the arc and DTHETA is the angle extent of the arc. Both
   angles are given in degrees. 
   N is the number of vertices of the resulting polyline, default is 65.

   The result is a N-by-2 array containing coordinates of the N points. 

   [X Y] = circleArcToPolyline(ARC, N);
   Return the result in two separate arrays with N lines and 1 column.

   See also:
   circles2d, circleToPolygon, drawCircle, drawPolygon

 author : David Legland 
 created the 22/05/2006.
 Copyright 2010 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.

Package: matgeom