CIRCLETOPOLYGON Convert a circle into a series of points.

   PTS = circleToPolygon(CIRC, N);
   Converts the circle CIRC into an array of  N-by-2 of double, containing
   x and y positions of vertices. 
   CIRC is given as [x0 y0 r], where x0 and y0 are coordinate of center,
   and r is the radius. 

   P = circleToPolygon(CIRCLE);
   uses a default value of N=64 vertices.

     poly = circleToPolygon([30 20 15], 16);
     figure; hold on;
     axis equal;axis([0 50 0 50]);
     drawPolygon(poly, 'b');
     drawPoint(poly, 'bo');

   See also:
   circles2d, polygons2d, circleArcToPolyline, ellipseToPolygon

Package: matgeom