CLIPGRAPH Clip a graph with a rectangular area.

   [N2, E2] = clipGraph(N, E, BOX);
   [N2, E2, F2] = clipGraph(N, E, F, BOX);
   N is an array ov vertices, E an array of edges, containing indices of
   first ans second vertices, and F (optional) is either a matrice or a
   cell array containing indices of vertices for each face.
   BOX is either a box given as a matrix: [XMIN XMAX;YMIN YMAX], or a row
   vector following matlab axis format: [XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX].

     % create a simple graph structure
     n = [0 60; 40 100; 40 60; 60 40; 100 40; 60 0];
     e = [1 3; 2 3; 3 4; 4 5; 4 6; 5 6];
     figure(1); clf; hold on;
     drawGraph(n, e);
     axis equal; axis([-10 110 -10 110]);
     % clip with a box
     box = [10 90 10 90];
     drawBox(box, 'k');
     [n2, e2] = clipGraph(n, e, box);
     drawGraphEdges(n2, e2, 'color', 'b', 'linewidth', 2);
   See also
     graphs, drawGraph, clipGraphPolygon

Package: matgeom