CLIPMESHVERTICES Clip vertices of a surfacic mesh and remove outer faces. [V2, F2] = clipMeshVertices(V, F, B) Clip a mesh represented by vertex array V and face array F, with the box represented by B. The result is the set of vertices contained in the box, and a new set of faces corresponding to original faces with all vertices within the box. [V2, F2] = clipMeshVertices(..., 'shape', 'sphere') Specify the shape. Default is 'box'. But it is also possible to use 'sphere' or 'plane'. [V2, F2] = clipMeshVertices(..., 'inside', false) removes the inner faces instead of the outer faces. [V2, F2] = clipMeshVertices(..., 'trimMesh', TF) Also specifies if the isolated vertices need to be removed (TF=true) ot not (TF=false). Default is false. Example [v, f] = createSoccerBall; f = triangulateFaces(f); box = [0 2 -1 2 -.5 2]; [v2, f2] = clipMeshVertices(v, f, box, 'inside', false); figure('color','w'); view(3); axis equal drawMesh(v, f, 'faceColor', 'none', 'faceAlpha', .2); drawBox3d(box) drawMesh(v2, f2, 'faceAlpha', .7); See also meshes3d, clipPoints3d
Package: matgeom