Clip a 3D ray with a box and return a 3D edge.

   EDGE = clipRay3d(RAY, BOX)
   Clips the ray RAY with the bounds given in BOX, and returns the
   corresponding edge. 
   RAY is given as origin + direction vector: [X0 Y0 Z0  DX DY DZ]
   BOX is given as  [XMIN XMAX  YMIN YMAX  ZMIN ZMAX].
   The result EDGE is given as [X1 Y1 Z1  X2 Y2 Z2].

     % generate 50 random 3D rays
     origin = [29 28 27];
     v = rand(50, 3);
     v = v - centroid(v);
     ray = [repmat(origin, size(v,1),1) v];
     % clip the rays with a 3D box
     box = [10 40 10 40 10 40];
     edges = clipRay3d(ray, box);
     % draw the resulting 3D edges
     figure; axis equal; axis([0 50 0 50 0 50]); hold on; view(3);
     drawEdge3d(edges, 'g');

   See also

Package: matgeom