CREATEDODECAHEDRON Create a 3D mesh representing a dodecahedron.

   [V, E, F] = createDodecahedron;
   Create a 3D mesh representing a dodecahedron
   V is the 20-by-3 array of vertex coordinates
   E is the 30-by-2 array of edge vertex indices
   F is the 12-by-5 array of face vertex indices

   [V, F] = createDodecahedron;
   Returns only the vertices and the face vertex indices.

   MESH = createDodecahedron;
   Returns the data as a mesh structure, with fields 'vertices', 'edges'
   and 'faces'.

   [v, e, f] = createDodecahedron;
   drawMesh(v, f);

   Use values given by P. Bourke, see:
   faces are re-oriented to have normals pointing outwards.

   See also
   meshes3d, drawMesh
   createCube, createOctahedron, createIcosahedron, createTetrahedron

Package: matgeom