CREATEHOMOTHECY Create the the 3x3 matrix of an homothetic transform.

   TRANS = createHomothecy(POINT, K);
   POINT is the center of the homothecy, K is its factor.
   TRANS is a 3-by-3 matrix representing the homothetic transform in
   homogeneous coordinates.


      p  = [0 0; 1 0; 0 1];
      s  = [-0.5 0.4];
      T  = createHomothecy (s, 1.5);
      pT = transformPoint (p, T);
      drawPolygon (p,'-b')
      hold on;
      drawPolygon (pT, '-r');
      drawEdge (p(:,1), p(:,2), pT(:,1), pT(:,2), ...
                'color', 'k','linestyle','--')
      hold off
      axis tight equal

Package: matgeom